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100 Benefits of Yoga: The Most Complete List

Yoga is an ancient study practiced by millions of people around the world for centuries. Forcing people to look inwards, it helps them change their bodies and scale up their mindfulness to live in harmony with themselves and with the outer world.

The focus on body-to-mind alignment is the biggest benefit of yoga admired by its practitioners and attracting more and more new devotees. Yet, yoga has a wealth of bigger and smaller advantages, and these are not empty words.

Below, we’ll make a deep dive into a lengthy list of amazing yoga benefits that counts for 100 points revealing how much good this practice can do for your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Yoga Benefits Categorized

In a list of as long as 100 points, it’s easy to get lost. Besides, everyone has their own goals when deciding to do yoga. While some people seek to power up their body shape and physical endurance, others rather seek spiritual upgrades. Yoga has it all and everyone will find something for themselves.

So, to make it easier to figure out your individual yoga attractions, we’ve split its benefits into a few broad categories, each embracing a whole lot of aspects.

Now let’s take a closer look at each category and the positive aspects and outcomes of yoga it covers.

Emotional and Mental Advantages

Modern yoga has transformed from its ancient iteration in many ways to match the needs of modern practitioners. Hence, many people consider yoga today rather as one of the fitness practices seeking to improve their physique.

However, the primary intent of yoga is to help people elevate to yet another spiritual level. So, let’s consider its emotional and mental effects first.

1. Stress Mitigation

Yoga smartly combines physical exercise, breathing practices, and meditation that help release anxiety, calm down, and relax. Different types of practices enable people to require better control of their bodies, thus, ensuring better control of their negative emotions and thoughts too.

By switching off the bad, you’ll learn to live here and now and enjoy the good you have in your life.

2. Reducing Irritation

When under stress, our adrenaline and cortisol levels jump high causing anger, irritability, and negative emotions. Yoga postures and asanas help release muscle tension and cramps, thus, activating the parasympathetic system and leveraging hormone production to help tame irritability and promote the feeling of calmness and relaxation.

3. Positive Thinking

While inhibiting the production of stress hormones, yoga stimulates the generation of endorphins and serotonin that turn on a good mood and make us feel happier and more comfortable. Meditations and affirmations help people perceive life more positively and disregard minor issues.

4. Better Emotional Tenacity

By helping build physical balance and getting the hang of your own body, yoga helps achieve internal balance as well to stay on top of your emotions. Body transformations bring internal transformations that make you more resistant to external impacts and challenges.

5. Higher Self-Confidence

With yoga, you can start with entry-level poses and hone your skill to switch to more complex ones. While mastering advanced postures and asanas, you’ll get a feeling of accomplishment that contributes to self-confidence. Likewise, improved stress management and emotional resilience level up your self-esteem.

6. Minimized Depression

Stress and negative emotions might accumulate and trigger depression, which is a deeper and more serious state of inner imbalance and discord. Depression is a hard battle for anyone that might even become a point of no return. Yoga comes to help you cope with this state and come back to normal. Through meditation and breathing techniques, you can face your inner demons and conquer them. And yoga will give energy for that.

7. Living Balance

Most of the time, modern people struggle to balance their life threading between family, work, and personal interests. By elevating your self-confidence, minimizing stress, and turning you into a positive mindset, yoga allows you to feel more satisfied and makes it easier to hit the balance.

8. Feeling Energized and Revitalized

Yoga promotes physical strength and body endurance, which in combo with elevated emotional stability makes you feel more refreshed and tuned up. Besides, many poses are intended to reveal inner energy to help you feel stronger and more confident.

9. Keeping Anxiety Under Control

Restorative yoga techniques are meant to relax your body and take away fatigue while increasing stamina. Feeling balanced and calm, you can tame your anxiety, keep your worries under control, and let yourself enjoy life to the full.

10. Intuition Growth

Meditation and pranayama help cut down the mental chatter and better connect to your inner self. You can embrace your inner wisdom and tap into a deeper level of consciousness. Thus, you get a chance to access insights and guidance that are not available through logical thinking alone.

11. Emotional Balance

Yoga calms down the mind and tames negative emotions that might be whirling inside. You learn how to tame your nervousness and control your emotions, thus, feeling more relaxed, less stressed, and more capable of handling daily issues and withstand negativities.

12. Improved Self-Organization

With improved self-control promoted by yoga comes improved self-discipline and the desire to organize your daily routines more effectively.  You feel more energized and capable of setting goals and finding the motivation to achieve them.

13. Boosted Wit

By taming anxiety and calming mental chatter, yoga improves focus and overall clarity of mind. Thus, it becomes easier to soak and analyze information, notice details, concentrate on what matters, and make decisions.

14. Preventing Burnout

In the extreme rush of daily life, we get tired, exhausted, and bored. Yoga helps restore emotional agility and mental clarity to shift the focus from the things that make us bored to the things that make us excited and happy.

15. Higher Self-Esteem

Low body confidence is a problem for nearly every other person these days. Yoga helps disconnect from enforced social tenets and connect to your inner self. Yoga drives body-to-mind balance. By getting better control over your body via postures and breathing exercises, you’ll gain more confidence and increase your self-esteem.

16. Feeling More Motivated

Yoga unlocks your inner resources. Along with improved physical strength and body-to-mind balance, it allows you to be more aware of yourself. Self-confidence and a clear mind help find the motivation and energy to keep going and live a fuller life.

17. Encouraged Self-Sooth

Many of us fail to resist the negativities and complexities of life and tend to push ourselves into destructive thinking. In fact, it’s the first step to depression and you might not even notice as you dig in. Yoga can help you draw yourself out of this. By strengthening a mindful aspect and focusing on exercise, it will help you self-soothe and switch to more positive thinking.

18. Fostered Personal Relationships

The internal balance achieved with yoga will help you create external balance and tailor your relationships with family, friends, and anyone close to you. You’ll feel more open and eager to communicate.

19. Better Emotional Control

When it comes to emotional control, in most cases, it’s easier said than done. You might be aware of the need to manage your emotions, yet, not know how to do it. Yoga is a great tool that helps look deeper into what bothers you and process your emotions via meditation and breathing techniques.

20. Higher Emotional Quotient

Spiritual yoga practices will enable you not only to efficiently manage and tame your emotions and impulsive reactions but also properly respond to the emotions of other people around you.

21. Increased Trust

Do you have problems trusting people? And don’t trust yourself too much as well? Yoga will stimulate raising self-confidence and building both self-trust as your inner pillar and self-support and trust in people around you.

22. Improved Ability to Express Feelings

Out of fear to be misunderstood or looking inappropriate and weak, many people choose to hide their true feelings. Or sometimes, they simply feel awkward and don’t know how to do it. Pushing us to balance, yoga releases inner locks and makes it easier to talk about your feelings, emotions, and concerns.

23. Higher Life Satisfaction

Feeling more confident, more open, more relaxed, more balanced, and more peaceful when doing yoga, you naturally feel less irritated and more satisfied with your life.

24. Capability to Live the Moment

How often did you hear the phrase “live the present moment”? It’s already a kind of buzzword today, a manifest of the modern realia. Yet, making those words come true is much harder than we expect. Yoga is one of the ways to understand the value of the present moment and learn to enjoy it.

25. Enhanced Ability to Forgive

Forgiving is something many of us have to learn today. Our own fears and psychological traumas often hinder us from being sympathetic, compassionate, and tolerant of other people’s mistakes and misbehavior. Yoga reconciles us with ourselves making us more patient and more open toward others.

26. Stronger Ties With Nature

When practicing yoga and meditating in the park, garden, or simply in your backyard, you’ll acquire a sense of connection with the environment. Meditation and breathing techniques release your inner energy flows aligning them with natural vibrations and making you feel a part of the nature that surrounds you.

27. Enhanced Sense of Purpose

We often lack the determination to do something due to inner limitations and external obstacles. Via emotional control, physical strengthening, and spiritual elevation, yoga helps us rise above ourselves and understand our missions. It awakens a sense of purpose and desire to achieve it.

28. Building Inner Strength

We are much stronger than we think, both physically and spiritually. While building physical strength is a normal thing for many people going for sports or doing fitness, the need to build spiritual strength is less obvious. Yoga perfectly aligns these two aspects and helps us gain the inner core and rock-proof inner support via self-reflection and affirmations.

29. Promoting Mindfulness

Yoga helps establish efficient connections between mind and body, which, in turn, encourages deep thinking and improves awareness. You’ll improve your ability to recognize stress-causing factors and handle them accordingly. And you’ll raise the ability to value simple things and enjoy them.

30. Improved Productivity

By minimizing stress, boosting energy levels, and enabling you to shift focus to more positive things, yoga stimulates creativity, Feeling happier and more satisfied with your life, you’ll become more focused and more productive.

31. Increasing Cognitive Abilities

Yoga works to reduce chronic stress and anxiety that impair cognitive functions. Thus, it works to improve cognitive performance. Besides, awareness meditations prove to enhance attention, executive function, and working memory. Inducing clarity of thought and better emotional regulation, yoga improves problem-solving and decision-making skills.

32. Clear Thinking

Meditation and pranayama are efficient in calming down mental chat and enhancing the sense of focus. Through body-to-mind balance, your thoughts become clear and the way you think becomes more flexible.

33. Concentration Boost

Even when we succeed in goal setting and planning, achieving the planned targets is much more difficult. Daily errands, working routines, and occasional issues distract us and don’t let us concentrate on the important things. Through mind balance, yoga helps us keep an eye on key goals without drowning in minor hurdles.

34. Enhanced Memory Function

Improved circulation, higher oxygen delivery to the brain, and enhanced attention contribute to memory enhancement and visual recognition and retention improvement. You’ll enjoy quick reaction times, and working memory speed and accuracy.

35. Building Accountability and Commitment

For many people, it’s hard to take responsibility for their actions and decisions and stay committed to their purposes and goals. Improved mindfulness, awareness, and concentration when doing yoga stimulate self-discipline and dedication that helps stan strong during hard times.

36. Thriving Creativity

Yoga is an imagination booster. During meditations and breathing practices, you get a chance to look inward and experience various insights that will enable you to generate new ideas, and innovative thoughts, and ignite your creativity.

37. Sense of Spiritual Linking

Stretches, postures, and stances help relax your body while breathing patterns relax your mind, thus, giving the feeling of peace and internal calmness. You feel your energy and grow your spiritual strength from the inside.

38. Clear Understanding of Values and Purposes

In a daily chase for immediate goals and intermediate objectives, it’s easy to get lost when it comes to identifying values and outlining bigger purposes. Yoga helps clear your mind and shift the focus to meaningful things while maintaining a great living balance.

39. Amplified Self-Awareness

Those yoga styles that are built around movement and breathing synchronization best work to level up our self-consciousness and mindfulness. Achieving complete control over your body and breathing at the moment, you turn the focus inward to be aware of yourself, your needs, and your intentions as clearly as ever before.

40. Ultimate Self-Control

When mastering yoga postures, you’ll get better and more efficient control over your body and improve your physique. Meanwhile, pranayama and meditation are aimed at getting as better control over your mind. Improved emotional regulation, self-awareness, and clear thinking ensure a better ability to control yourself at all levels and resist external challenges and problems.

41. Mood Stabilization

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid  (GABA) inhibits nervousness and works as a mood stabilizer. When doing yoga, GABA production is increased. Hence, practicing yoga on a regular basis helps minimize anxiety and bum up the mood.

42. IQ Increase

Honing cognitive skills, raising mental clarity, and improving memory and attentiveness, yoga has been proven to provide a positive effect on IQ scores both in children and teens and in elder practitioners.

43. Strengthened Analytical Thinking

Some types of yoga such as Vynasa, Ashtanga, and Hatha involve active motion and more complicated postures to enhance your focus and concentration, thus boosting analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

44. Increased Brain “Nutrition”

Breathing practices involving inhalation and exhalation patterns boost blood circulation and increase oxygen flow to the brain, thus, improving its functions and honing the sharpness of thinking, alertness, and perception acuity.

45. Advanced Organizational Skill

When practicing yoga, we learn to control and “organize our body”. Alongside, mental practices allow us to learn how to clear our thoughts and disregard distractions and minor details that are not worth bothering. Instead, we get the ability to identify focal points, focus on meaningful things, and organize all processes in a much more effective manner.

46. Elevated Imagination

Yoga is much loved by individuals occupied in professions requiring creative thinking and strong imagination function, and for a good reason. Meditation help set up connections with your inner self and brings insights you won’t get otherwise. Stress-free and relaxed thinking unleashes imagination and boosts creativity.

47. Stronger Social Confidence

Raising self-confidence and self-awareness, yoga makes it easier for people to socialize and withstand public opinion. It could be a real lifesaver for people who have behavioral difficulties.

48. High Mental Flexibility

Sometimes we feel helpless against problems and it seems that life is a complete challenge. When practicing yoga, you’ll get mental resilience that enables you to look at dead-end situations from another angle, reconsider setbacks, and even turn them into opportunities.

49. Stronger Sense of Responsibility

Many people tend to transfer responsibility to others and avoid taking ownership of their actions and decisions. Through self-awareness and mindfulness, yoga teaches us to act beyond the victim position and commit to all aspects of our lives.

50. Facilitated Communication

Yoga is about talking to yourself as well as about interacting with the outer world. By achieving self-balance, you get a deeper understanding of different behavior patterns and communication with other people.

51. Refined Listening Skill

With yoga, you learn to listen to yourself and understand yourself much better. The same is true for communications with others. Active listening is a valuable skill and yoga helps upgrade it, without a doubt. You become a more attentive and responsive listener.

52. Advanced Strategic Thinking

Thinking a few steps ahead when setting goals or working out plans is not a common ability. Yoga helps develop an ability to overcome obstacles and handle problems more effectively. Meanwhile, mental clarity and stronger focus help pinpoint the most important aspects and concentrate your efforts on them.

53. Renewed Cultural Traditions

Yoga is an ancient practice that gives us a throwback to an ancient world and lets us tap into the old wisdom of our ancestors who created a spiritual practice that is still up-to-date through millennia.

54. Easy Perception of Diversity

Despite the fact that Indian culture is very much different from the concepts and traditions of the Western world, yoga has seamlessly integrated into our lives and its popularity continues to grow. Yoga teaches us to accept the diversity of this world through our own diversity. Both our bodies and minds keep evolving during our lives, which is normal for the world around us too.

55. Getting Insights Through Collaborative Learning

One of the yoga benefits is that you could play solo or as a team. Whatever the method, you’ll get your insights anyway and discover something new. Solo players dive deeper into their consciousness through meditation while team players share their knowledge and energy via group practices.

56. Boosting Creativity Through Art Admiration

While some people express their feelings and emotions through music and visual arts, others satisfy their creative cravings and foster their imagination by appreciating art. Yoga makes us more sensitive, open, and receptive to the beauty of art in all its forms and shapes.

57. Feeling More Curious and Enthusiastic

Yoga brings multiple insights and stimulates deep thinking that makes people more curious and eager to learn. Not only do they seek to expand their knowledge about yoga practices but also they get interested in other associated areas such as psychology, astrology, mental practices, etc.

Physical Benefits

Yoga promotes spiritual and mental achievements through physical training and exercise. Hence, physical activity is an integral part of yoga study and practice that will bring a whole bunch of benefits for your body too.

58. Muscle Strength

Though less active and intense than power exercise, yoga postures, and stances help build strength through statics. Regular practice results in strengthened and toned-up muscles that work to keep your whole body aligned.

59. Improved Posture

Strong back and core muscles greatly contribute to your spinal health. They keep your spine in an anatomically correct position that improves posture and prevents multiple abnormal states and conditions.

60. Enhanced Flexibility

Stretching the muscles supported by specific breathing techniques that promote circulation helps increase muscle elasticity and overall body flexibility while reducing the risk of traumas and injuries.

61. Better Coordination and Balance

A stronger muscle core gives better control over your body and ensures a wider range of motion over time. All of this improves balance and ensures much better coordination since you feel your body and know how to keep it stable.

62. Higher Physical Performance

Yoga offers a lot of benefits for athletes and those who seek to get higher results in sports. It improves flexibility and provides a much better command of the body overall. In a combo with a more acute reaction and better responsiveness, it allows for achieving higher sports results.

63. Enhanced Energy Level

While keeping your spiritual level high, yoga improves your physical energy as well. Exercises train muscles and breathing practices help reduce fatigue and deliver more oxygen to your tissues and vessels making you feel more refreshed and energized even when you should feel physically tired.

64. Improved Endurance

 Normally, body endurance is built via intensive physical training and consistent loads. Yoga does the same yet in a more forgiving way. By stretching and strengthening your muscles, you can endure heavy workloads for longer. Besides, a good thing about yoga is that it activates all body muscles during the session making you concentrate rather on motion quality and control than the type of exercise.

65. Increasing Muscle Potential

Yoga comes up with a plethora of poses and postures to match any physical state. Whether you are an untrained newbie or a fitness expert in good shape, it will get you covered. You can start with rather simple and easy-to-do asanas and eventually switch to complex poses that require certain training and muscle capacity. Thus, you’ll gradually grow and expand your muscle potential.

66. Muscle Elasticity

Most types of power workouts are rather meant to grow muscles. Yet, it often appears that experienced and well-trained athletes drastically lack muscle elasticity and are unable to do even quite simple postures. Meanwhile, yoga stretches and pranayamas greatly increase muscle elasticity, thus, improving overall body agility and movability.

67. Reduced Muscle Tension

Nearly nothing is as good at releasing stiff, cramped, and achy muscles as yoga stretches and postures. It gives contracted muscles relief and prevents aches in the neck, back, and joints, not to mention headaches caused by muscle tension.

68. Healthier Fascia

Quite often, fibrous connective tissue (fascia) doesn’t get enough attention despite the fact that it gets damaged no less than muscle tissue during training. Yoga helps restore fascia making it more elastic and stretchy, thus, releasing tension and stress.

69. Stronger Bones

When practiced regularly and systematically, yoga promotes bone health by increasing bone density and reducing bone resorption to minimize the risk of osteoporosis.

70. Enhanced Joint Mobility

Postures and asanas build muscle strength making muscles around the joints more flexible too. The same is true for tendons. As a result, your joints get better support and acquire a much wider motion range without the risk of injury or fraction.

71. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Gentle yoga postures and stretches help relieve carpal tunnel syndrome and speed up the healing process to regain the range of movement in wrists and arms.

72. Lower Injury Exposure

Yoga gives not only internal confidence but also physical confidence as well. Improved posture, stronger muscles, and mobile joints ensure better body stability and enhanced coordination which in its turn reduces awkwardness and occasional falls and minimizes the risk of traumas and injuries.

73. Boosted Self-Healing Capabilities

Yoga is initially meant to heal both soul and body. Lower stress and anxiety in a combo with an endorphin and serotonin boost and improved oxygen delivery to all organs and tissues increases the ability of our bodies to heal themselves.

74. Longevity

Physical endurance and spiritual balance brought by yoga not only improve overall well-being but also prolong life. Even elderly people stay fit and active for longer doing things they like.

75. Faster Injury Recovery

While making our bodies stronger, yoga is also a great relaxation tool. Breathing practice combined with relaxing asanas and gentle stretches helps muscles and joints recover after injuries or restore after heavy physical loads and exhaustion.

76. Wider Range of Motion

Stronger muscle, healthier fascia, firmer bones, and overall enhanced flexibility greatly contribute to much better joint mobility and ensure a much wider range of movement. This works even for geriatric practitioners and helps elder people relieve arthritis and painful joint conditions.

77. Reducing Inflammation

Stress and consistent exposure to negative emotions and disturbing factors increase the risk of chronic inflammation and accelerate biological aging. Using a combo of exercise and breathing practice, yoga has proven to slow down inflammatory processes and other harmful impacts of stress.

78. Reduced Oxidative Stress

An inflammation inhibitor and antioxidant booster, yoga enhances cellular function and enhances the removal of free radicals from the tissues and cells which cause oxidative stress. The latter process leads to cell damage and speeds up aging.  So, yoga helps our bodies rejuvenate.

79. Enhanced Cellular Function

Yoga physical postures can improve cellular function by increasing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the cells. This can boost cellular energy production and reduce cellular damage.

80. Improved Muscle Function Later in Life

Yoga helps grow muscle strength, flexibility, and elasticity and greatly increases their capacities. And a big bonus is that your muscle core will retain its potential and work for you even as you grow older, not to mention it will prevent multiple skeleton and joint problems that come with age.

Weight Loss Benefits

Weight loss yoga benefits are rather a positive yoga side effect since slimming has never been a primary goal for yoga. However, many fitness devotees appreciate these yoga advantages, so they are certainly worth mentioning.

81. Boosted Metabolism

Yoga helps increase muscle mass through exercise and reduce stress via hormonal balance. Breathing and physical practices balance cortisol and thyroid hormones which allows for maintaining optimal metabolism. Low stress and high relaxation levels further boost metabolism. All of the above promotes weight loss and ensures healthy and natural body mass regulation.

82. Boosting Detoxification

Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals that negatively impact cell metabolism. Yoga helps increase the levels of antioxidants in the body such as glutathione, superoxide, dismutase, and catalase to improve detoxification and maintain a healthy metabolism.

83. Improving Digestion

Certain yoga practices, such as twisting asanas, can help improve digestion and promote healthy bowel movements. When digestion is working properly, metabolism can function more efficiently.

84. Less Intensive Cravings

Improved hormonal balance and healthy metabolism help stabilize appetite. Furthermore, breathing practices and meditation calm down anxiety and help you relax which allows you to better control cravings and a strong desire to eat something all the time. Most often than not, unhealthy eating behavior and eating disorders stem from emotional problems.

85. More Effective Calorie Burnout

 Yoga exercises stimulate muscle buildup and increase endurance. Combined with pranayamas and meditation, they greatly increase energy level and give you juice to work out more and burn more calories. Thus, subject to consistent and diligent exercising, yoga is a great weight management tool.

86. Improving Eating Habits

Healthy eating is a part of the yoga philosophy. Your body can be healthy and function smoothly only when getting enough nutrients sourced from quality foods. Promoting internal health and improving your physical state, yoga naturally pushes you into choosing healthier and nutrient-dense foods over unhealthy eats. It’s like your body gives you a hint of what is good for you.

General Health Advantages

This final category encompasses a few other yoga benefits that equally contribute to your overall body and mental health.

87. Improved Lung Function and Blood Circulation

Breathing practices increase lung capacity and improve lung strength. Some breathing exercises can even ease asthma symptoms. Besides, pranayamas are good at improving blood flow to organs, thus, increasing oxygen uptake. Meanwhile, yoga-induced relaxation works to normalize blood pressure and heart rates to prevent strokes and cardiovascular diseases.

88. Better Sleep

Yoga is shown to improve the quality of sleep by relaxing your body, taking away stress, and calming down your nervous system. By reducing anxiety and nervousness, yoga minimizes negative body reactions to stress such as headaches, muscle tension, digestive problems, and cramps.

89. Maintaining Hormonal Balance

Yoga helps our bodies keep hormones under control. While inhibiting hormones that cause stress and inflammation, yoga promotes the production of hormones that boost metabolism, lower anxiety, improve sleep, and elevate overall mood.

90. Stronger Immune System

Stress, depression, and negative emotions negatively impact our immune systems and might trigger serious immune system disorders and related diseases. Yoga stimulates multiple systems in our body including the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems and helps balance immune system function too by neutralizing anxiety and minimizing stress effects.

91. Pain Management and Rehab

Mindful breathing, stretching, and muscle strengthening promoted by yoga help effectively manage aches and pains associated with chronic musculoskeletal diseases and conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pains, low back and neck pains, spinal imbalance, flat feet, etc. As such, yoga is a helpful tool often used within post-injury and post-traumatic rehabilitation programs.

92. Nervous System Balancing

Balancing our body and minds and keeping them aligned, yoga helps balance our nervous system functioning and regulate its responses to certain circumstances, situations, and external factors.

93. Preventing Chronic Diseases 

Consistent and regular yoga practice not only help maintain your body in good physical condition but also reduces the risk of certain diseases and ailments. By balancing hormones and blood circulation, and leveling cholesterol, and blood sugar, yoga helps keep diabetes, heart disease, strokes, cancer, obesity, and allergies at bay and even minimizes the risk of cancer.

94. Improved Body Tone

Along with a stringer muscle core, joint mobility, and overall flexibility, yoga practitioners will enjoy improve skin elasticity and better body shape. They usually look toned-up and fresh.

95. Better Cardiovascular Health

Yoga helps maintain a healthier heart and vascular system by normalizing circulation, regulating blood pressure, boosting oxygen uptake, and improving lung function. Resistance to stress will further reduce the impact of external negative factors.

96. Stimulating Body Cleansing

Yoga enhances and maintains self-healing and promotes antioxidant production to remove harmful free radicals that result from metabolism processes. All of this boosts endocrine and immune system functions and helps our bodies easier get rid of toxins and stimulates self-cleansing.

97. Maintaining Fertility 

Stress and depression can cause and aggravate fertility problems both in women and in men. By encouraging relaxation and balancing hormones, yoga helps cope with fertility issues.

98. Reducing Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a hard period for women related to a number of unpleasant and disturbing symptoms caused by hormonal disbalance. By improving hormone production and overall body health, yoga helps reduce such symptoms as hot flashes, sleeping disorders, irritability, anxiety, and weight gain.

99. Improving Interpersonal Skills

Yoga is an effective tool for building good communication and interpersonal skills to maintain smooth and problem-free personal and professional relations. Breathing practice, exercise, and meditation promote confidence and make you more flexible to tackle challenges and daily hurdles without stress.

100. Quit Smoking 

There is research proving that yoga is a great smoking cessation aid. Breathing techniques help clear lungs and increase their capacity and function. Besides, yoga stimulates detoxification and helps control harmful cravings.


Looking at the above list, it’s hard to deny positive yoga effects on our physical and mental health. With yoga, you can become a better version of yourself, feel more satisfied with life, and live longer. It’s definitely worth a try!